
First ANERIS Progress Meeting

17 Jul 2023

ANERIS held its first bi-annual progress meeting on Wednesday (12.07.23). Over 45 consortium members took part in the online event, presenting the developments of their tasks and work packages in the last six months.

Representatives from each work package highlighted their progress in terms of ANERIS deliverables and milestones, technologies, workshops, citizen science events, as well as any challenges related to their work.

WP1 Focused on the submitted project management guidelines, their implementation, and topics related to administration, deadlines, finances and internal procedures which will be carried out over the 48-month project duration.
WP2 Covered the planned (and executed) workshops and co-design events related to the development, validation, and use of ANERIS genomic technologies, and turning them into a robust Sampling kit.
WP3 Focused on the development of the imaging and bio-optic technologies, showcasing the first functional prototype of the Multi-imaging Underwater Acquisition System (EMUAS) that can broadcast live audio and video underwater.
WP4 Presented the participatory events and technologies of ANERIS, focusing on the platforms for collecting, processing and categorizing marine observation data, as well as on the ongoing BioMarathon in which citizen scientists have so far collected close to 100 000 observations.
WP5 Reported on the progress regarding the creation of a coherent and integrated computing architecture for the ANERIS technologies. Different storage providers and plans for the distribution of network nodes were discussed which would allow the seamless interoperability ANERIS technologies.
WP6 Presented the developments and plans concerning the project branding, website, social media, as well as the ongoing and upcoming social media campaigns

The work package presentations were followed by a discussion of future plans, consortium meetings and collaboration plans, as well as key project outcomes and organizational topics.

To mark the first half-an-year of ANERIS, a short video has been developed, showcasing the project's kick-off meeting in March of this year. Watch the video here: